How to Control Internet Usage Through a Router – Afropolitan Mom
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How to Control Internet Usage Through a Router

I remember when I was growing up, my Dad set up a computer in the study and we took turns using it. Often, my brother is standing over me, waiting for me to finish so he can hop on. Gone are the days of the family computer. In our home alone, we have over 8 portable smart devices. Part of giving our children access to the internet means we have to make sure they are protected against dangerous materials and that we’ve implemented safeguards to ensure they don’t encounter anything that isn’t appropriate. Between the smartphones, tablets, and laptops it can be hard to control. I know the importance of having access to the internet and giving our children a chance to explore the world from the comfort of their home. However, earlier this year we made a family resolutions to limit the amount of time we spend on social media. It’s one month in, and I’m happy to report that; it has been easier than anticipated and here is why – How to Control Internet Usage Through a Router. Keep in mind that my girls are in elementary school, so the restriction is a bit lenient.

How to Control Internet Usage Through a Router

How to Control Internet Usage Through a Router

Set up website filter

To do this, I logged on to our Verizon Fios quantum gateway router via a browser. Click on parental controls at the top tp set up the rules.

How to Control Internet Usage Through a Router

When you get to parental control you can specify which device you want to limit access for. It could be the TV, laptop, cell phone, whatever you see fit. On this screen, add selected device. Going forward, I will suggest you name each device on your network so it’s easy to identify.

Next step, this is where you enter specific keyword or website to avoid. You can be vague or specific as you see fit. I was pretty vague using keywords and I’m working on adding more. I can tell you from experience the more keywords the better. This is probably the easiest way to set up limitation for internet use. You can also set it up the laptop via control panel but this covers all the device on the network.

Set internet time limit

For added restriction, you can set up rules for when the device can access the internet. You can specify a time block ie. from 7 a m  – 6 p m on weekends or only on Tuesday at 2 p m. You can follow the same steps for each device and once you’re done, click apply and give it a few hours and you will be able to see all the rules you’ve created come to life.

To clarify, I know nothing is foolproof, but for now, this is what works for us. Let me know what rules you have in place for internet use at your house.


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post with Verizon Fios. However, all opinions expressed are 100% mine.

Kira is the founder of the award-winning lifestyle blog focused on family, tech, fashion, beauty, food, fitness, and travel. She lives in the suburb of NJ with her husband and two daughters. 

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