7 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

Marriage isn’t easy. I have been married 12 years and it requires some elbow grease. We have to constantly nurture it, so it can grow into a healthy and happy union. Yes Valentine’s Day is important but so is the other 364 days.  Are you constantly, working on strengthen your marriage? Romance should be all year and it doesn’t have to be something as big as going on an exotic vacation.  There are lot of simple things,  that you can do to bring back the freshness, things that you may not have considered. So here are 7 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage and hopefully put some romance back into your relationship.

7 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

7 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

  1. Pray together. It’s not a popular choice, but praying together helps you grow spiritually as a couple. I believe couples that pray together stays together. Marriage is a blessing from God and should be treated as such. No matter what religion you are marriage is a favor from God and praying together unites you as a couple.
  2. Express yourself. Grab a paper and write a letter to your partner. It could be about something or nothing at all, express yourself. Write about whatever comes to mind your mind – as long as it’s not a grocery list or a litany of pet peeves. What you will probably discover is that the act of writing to your beloved brings out the best of your feelings toward him or her. As time goes on and you continue to write, you tend to forget the small aggravations and remember the big picture – the real reasons for being together.
  3. Actively seek to learn something new about your partner.  If you’ve been together for awhile, you  begin to think that you know absolutely everything about the other person. Of course that’s not true! By asking questions, it will both disprove this assumption and bring something fresh into the relationship. Try this book – One Q&A a Day: 3-Year Journal for 2 People It’s a book with lots of questions to get the conversation going, from silly to serious the possibilities are endless.
  4. Express gratitude. Thank You goes a long way. Often when I see older couples and ask them what the secret to their long lasting marriage is. Gratitude is always on the list.  Express gratitude especially if your partner does something nice. Show much you appreciate him or her. To thank another person is to tell them that they’ve blessed you in some way – and the blessings that your partner bestows upon you deserve to be recognize.
  5. Offer praise where praise is due. It’s an ego booster really. Who doesn’t like to hear words of praises. Don’t keep your admiration a secret! Praise builds up another person and bolsters their confidence – so don’t be shy about praising your partner. Perhaps you take for granted the talents and achievements of your partner. Maybe you commented on your lover’s beautiful singing voice or talent as a social organizer several years ago – in an early stage of the relationship – but haven’t mentioned it since.
  6. Do something special. You don’t need to wait for Valentine’s Day or a birthday to give your partner a gift or a card. Anytime is a good time to show much you care. In fact, offering such a gesture when it’s unexpected will make an even greater impression!
  7. Make time for each other. Life is busy. We’ve  to work, we the kids to worry about, oh yeah and we have bills it’s never ending. Trust me, I get it. Even if it’s a few stolen moment at the end of the day, every little bit count.  Need ideas for date night, here are 5 low-key and romantic date night ideas.

    I’m adding two more tips for good measure.

  8. Give him some sugar. We’re all consenting adults here right. There is nothing more beautiful than a kiss or a sensual touch from the one you love. It doesn’t have to be full on, however being intimate as couples keeps the fire burning.
  9. Mutual Respect. Respect for each other, this goes without saying but having mutual respect for your spouse is an essential part to a healthy relationship. Respect comes in many forms, the way you interact, your actions and your thoughts.

These things are not only nice, they are romantic and it lengthens and strengthens a relationship. If you do them often enough, it becomes part of your life. I’m constantly reminding myself the importance of putting in the work, because when you’ve been together for awhile it’s easy to forget to provide the sustenance (nutrient) it requires.  When you make the effort to use one or more of these relationship-boosting tips, you are giving your marriage the nourishment it requires and richly deserves.

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4 responses to “7 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage”

  1. I love being thanked for the things I do for my family. It’s really the best thing my husband can do for our relationship. Just thank me for being a mom to our kids, and for cleaning the bathroom with two “men” in the house! And I thank him for going to work every day, so he can work for someone else, and help support our family.
    Plus, I don’t have to wrap anything!!!! Well, wrapping myself around him would be considered wrapping, or no?

  2. I always forget to express gratitude. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Great tips! I’m not married {we’ve been together ten years. He really needs to get on it, lol.} But these are great tips for anyone in any relationship!

  4. These are great tips. We tr to remember to have a few conversations a week that are not about the kids… but about something we like and non-child related. It helps keep our personal interests!

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